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gui和solo相遇 Kao Ashira表白

Orphaned at a very young age, Gui, a fourth-year engineering student, has had to work hard and earn for himself for as long as he can remember. Still, through the test of time, he still has a soft demeanor and a smile on his face. Solo, a freshman in the Faculty of Music, can get anything he wants with a flick of his wrist. Money, fame, good looks, the boy has everything, except his smile. When Solo's mother passed away, she took with him his smile. Nothing could fill this missing hole in him... that is — until one day when he sees a smiling boy working at a cafe. One night the two worlds collide in a small coffee shop. For a cup of hot milk and a warm smile, Solo finds himself back in the cafe every night. For a soft boy who reminds him of a husky, Gui finds himself waiting for a late-night visitor with a cup of hot milk, night after night. Night after night, the two boys continue to meet. At the same spot, at the same time, until they soon come to realize that they have become each other's breath. A necessity. Just like Oxygen.


gui在咖啡店上班,Khim在一旁直播很快因为gui直播里面的人数到了上千。Ray来到咖啡店想给参选的学弟学妹们买点咖啡和甜点,犒劳一下他们最近太幸苦了,gui看着账单想起了一些事情。Kao Ashira在回家的路上,看到了一名男子霸道的揍了威胁他的人,又看见对方拿出刀,Kao Ashira立马推着旁边的垃圾桶过去,拉着他离开,男子看了他一眼高冷的走开。gui拿着做好的甜品送到学校,solo坐在一边,gui把蛋糕拿过去给他,临走前还摸了他一下脑袋,gui从solo的同学口中得知他是一个商人的继承人,但是做的是那种灰色生意,那位同学还提醒gui小心点。Khim在网上看到gui和solo坐在一起的照片,问他是怎么回事,gui解释自己只是去送点东西,Khim得知后希望他下次见到solo的时候能帮自己拍张照,solo他是今年校之月的热门,要是把跟他的合照发布到主页上就更出名了,gui答应。Kao Ashira和同学在食堂里吃饭,无意间看到上次的那名男生立马跑下去,原来他叫Phuri Drake,Phuri Drake让Kao Ashira别再靠近自己了,Kao Ashira却说道他根本就不讨厌自己,只是嘴上说说而已,原来Kao Ashira早就喜欢上了Phuri Drake,每次见到他都会偷偷观察,像Phuri Drake这种人如果真的讨厌谁,是不会了浪费时间跟对方说话的,Phuri Drake像是被拆穿了,冲忙的离开,第二天,Kao Ashira去上班,同学对他很冷漠,原来是他昨天看到Kao Ashira和Phuri Drake在一起,同学告诉Kao Ashira,Phuri Drake根本不是他看到的那种人,据他所知Phuri Drake从十五岁就开始帮家里管理家族事业,超级凶,谁都怕,而且是一个说一不二的人,对他来说Phuri Drake是一个危险人物,Kao Ashira却表示这样太酷了,对Phuri Drake又多了一份崇拜之情。Perth在医院上班,Petcht走过去看到他脸很红,把手放在Perth的额头上,这让Perth有点尴尬,告诉Petcht自己没事,没想到Petcht说道为了以防万一,让自己听一下心跳声,两人靠得很近,护士们看到网络上放着Petcht和Perth很亲密的照片,想要看是不是真的躲在门口偷看,不料被发现了。晚上,solo去咖啡店找gui,发现咖啡店已经关门了,只能在门口坐着,gui走过去什么都没说直接拉着他进去,gui质问solo看到店关门了为什么还要坐在那里被蚊子咬,gui表示自己想喝牛奶,只有这里的牛奶能让他睡到天亮,如果喝不到还不如坐在这里到天亮,gui拿出手机让他留下脸书和电话号码,要是有什么事可以找他。Khim收到gui发来的照片激动的大叫,立马把照片发到了主页上,另一边,solo送gui回家,gui告诉solo以后如果训练到很晚才结束可以喊自己把牛奶送过去,gui觉得没关系,并表示自己明天还会来。